Our Web Hosting Packages keep your costs down and website up!
The data center hosting our servers is located in the Denver Technology Center (DTC) of Denver, Colorado. The network at this facility is highly redundant with Gigabit links to multiple, tier-1 providers. Utilization during peak-hour does not exceed 25% of capacity.
At the core layer, Juniper M series routers are used to manage the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), and to maintain network peering. The BGP protocol consistently maintains connections to multiple Internet providers, and it reliably circumvents congested or incapacitated links.
Interlaced through high speed Gigabit Ethernet Fiber, the distribution and customer layer is serviced through state of the art Cisco Catalyst switching equipment. With Cisco's application specific integrated circuit technology, data packets are switched through the network infrastructure at wire speed.
Manned round the clock (24x7x365) b y Data Center engineers, the Network Management Systems ensure a constant level of service and reliability of network services to our customers. Monitoring the operational status of the network, even the slightest inconsistency of network reliability is brought to an engineer's attention and dealt with immediately.
Probes are sent out proactively to end-users across the entire Internet to measure latency and packet loss to customers through specific internet providers. Gathering immediate statistics on the performance of the Internet, the network routers will make up to several hundred route changes per minute to utilize the best path to reach the end destination.
- Intel Pentium III 1 GHz or greater processors
- 2 GB RAM or greater
- SCSI hard drives, 10,000 RPM or greater
- Backup drives
- Linux RedHat Operating System with latest stable kernel version
- Apache web server
- PHP5, Perl5, MySQL, FrontPage extensions
- Mod_Gzip (A content acceleration module for the Apache web server giving significant performance boosts in download page delivery times as well as substantial bandwidth savings).
Data Center

- Redundant uninterruptible power supplies
- Multiple redundant back-up generators
- Fire suppression
- Raised floors
- Separate cooling zones
- Humidity control
- Multiple levels of security.